此課程為全網路課程,同學將須依規定之期程,上網閱讀課程內容,並完成隨後之測驗券,作業,討論或是特定議題工作坊.所有課程將提供以約4周為一單元之期程,同學可以自主安排上網學習之進度與時間,以增加同學自學之彈性. 學期中將安排5次返回教室授課,第1次將講授全部課程設計與授課方次,其他4次將由同學針對設定之議題進行報告與討論;針對報告或討論,同學間將必須相互回應(書面或口頭),以增加同學之互動與多元學習. 老師將隨時上網了解同學之上網學習,並以簡訊或討論回應的方式,回應同學學習之困難或問題;必要時老師將要求個別或小團體同學返回教室討論學習進度或面授課程內容. 同學若有必要,亦可要求老師針對特別之課程內容,於表定之授課時間返回教室進行討論.

This course is a full-network course. Students will be required to read the course content online and complete the subsequent test vouchers, assignments, discussions or workshops on specific topics. All course units will be provided in about 4 weeks. During the period, students can arrange the progress and time of online learning to increase the flexibility of their self-study. During the semester, 5 classes will be returned to the classroom. The first time will teach all the course design and teaching methods. The other 4 times will be reported and discussed by the students on the set topics. For the report or discussion, the students will have to respond to each other (written or oral) to increase the classmates interaction and multi-learning. The teacher will be on the Internet to learn about the online learning of the students, and respond to the difficulties or problems of the students in the form of short message or discussion response; When necessary, the teacher will ask individual or small group students to return to the classroom to discuss the progress of the study or course content face-to-face. If necessary, students may also ask the teacher to return to the classroom for discussion during the scheduled time for the special course content.